3 Repairs That Will Prepare Your Garage Door For Cold Weather

Posted on: 6 October 2020

Cold weather is right around the corner. It's time to start thinking about preparing your home to withstand these temperatures.

The garage is one area that can be overlooked during the changing seasons. Investing in a few simple garage door repairs will help you maintain the integrity of your garage throughout the cold season.

1. Replace Damaged Cables

Many garage doors rely on a cable system to open and close properly. These cables are made from metal strands that are braided together to create a rope-like structure.

Metal has a tendency to become very brittle when exposed to cool temperatures. Damaged cables are more likely to snap as a result of this increased brittleness.

An experienced garage door technician will be able to examine your cables for evidence of fraying or other types of damage that might pose a safety risk during cold weather. Replace damaged cables now to avoid losing access to your garage later.

2. Replace Weatherstripping

If you look carefully around the outer edges of your garage door, you will see lengths of weatherstripping running around the perimeter of the door frame. Weatherstripping eliminates any gaps between the frame and your door.

Even small gaps can allow wind and moisture to enter your garage. As outdoor temperatures cool, these gaps can contribute to a significant drop in the temperature inside your garage.

You run the risk of having pipes freeze and overloading your home's heating system as a result of the reduced garage temperature. Replacing all of the weatherstripping is a simple and effective way to protect your garage against the cold.

3. Replace Damaged Springs

A set of springs helps to control the speed at which your garage door opens and closes. These springs are made from metal, which means they could corrode and weaken over time. A damaged spring will be susceptible to failure in cold weather.

An incredibly high amount of tension is placed on garage door springs. When the metal becomes brittle due to cold weather, damaged areas are more likely to bend or snap. Have a technician inspect your garage door springs to identify any serious damage.

Replace the damaged springs before it gets too cold to keep your garage door functioning safely throughout the cold season.

Cold temperatures can take a toll on your garage door. Invest in some minor repairs before the cold weather hits to ensure your garage door is capable of withstanding any seasonal changes.

To learn more, contact a resource like the Anderson Overhead Door Company Of Michigan INC..
