Garage Door Spring Repair Questions Homeowners Often Ask

Posted on: 1 September 2020

There are many components of your garage door system that can suffer damage or total failure. In particular, a garage door spring can be a component that will cause an especially high risk of suffering these problems.

What Problems Can The Garage Door Spring Experience?

There are many potential problems that a garage door spring can experience. Corrosion can be a leading source of problems for this part of the system. When corrosion forms on the garage door spring, it will cause it to become far more brittle. A garage door breaking can be another issue that can occur. If the spring ruptures, the entire garage door system will stop working. It is also possible for a garage door spring to simply lose much of its torsion. This can reduce its effectiveness and lead to it needing to be replaced.

Should You Try To Replace Your Own Garage Door Springs?

It is important to understand that a garage door spring can be an extremely dangerous component. The spring will be under tremendous stress, and these can lead to a risk of the spring rupturing. If this were to occur, the injuries it could cause would be severe. In addition to the risks that can occur when you are actively working on the garage door spring, it is also important to note that incorrect repairs and replacements can lead to the spring suddenly snapping in the future. This can also be extremely dangerous to anyone in the garage, and it could cause damage to the garage door opener and any vehicles parking near it. Due to these extreme hazards, you should leave any repair work on the garage door spring to a trained professional.

How Can You Avoid The Need To Replace Garage Door Springs In The Future?

Due to the costs, hazards and general disruptions that garage door springs can create, it is understandable to want to take steps to reduce the risk of this component suffering a serious problem. To this end, basic maintenance of the garage door system will typically be sufficient for reducing the risk of the spring failing. This will include having the system serviced every year or two so that it can be thoroughly cleaned, lubricated and inspected. While it will eventually be necessary to replace the garage door spring, these steps will be able to greatly extend its lifespan while reducing the risk of a sudden failure of the spring.

To learn more, contact a garage door spring repair technician.
